» News


Posted March 18, 2020
General News



Club Members, Coaches, Managers, Officials and Families

The club have released information tonight about public access to the skating venue along with some event dates that have been cancelled, may be cancelled or postponed depending on government agency recommendations during this extraordinary time.

In terms of club member access, the following details apply:

  1. ONLY members listed on the branch databases may enter the facility (only exceptions as detailed below))
  2. The team or branch Manager/ coach or designated responsible ADULT MUST record all members attending any training – this list must be dated and loaded to a google doc (Link will be provided below.
  3. This recording MUST take place for EVERY TIME your team or skaters enter the rink as we are required to have records for tracing in the event that someone becomes contagious. (hence the requirement to be members so contact details can be provided if necessary.)
  4. The RINK KEY HOLDER IS responsible to ensure that only the authorised users accesses the rink. If you need to loan your key to another adult, you MUST advise (Krys) prior to handing the key on. The NPRSC Chairperson advises if this rule is not followed the key holder will have their keys removed.
  5. Team/Branch trainings are NOT mandatory, however may continue should you wish to run them. This will be reviewed daily and access may be withdrawn at short notice, subject to recommendations from government agencies.
  6. All members are to be reminded if showing signs of any illness DO NOT ENTER THE RINK and seek medical advice as appropriate.
  7. All members are to be reminded to ensure personal hygiene / washing of hands/ no hand-shakes etc (rink signage already in place)
  8. Branches should be advising their members of the requirements and restrictions.
  9. There will be NO BOOKINGS outside of those already scheduled for club members and branches. These may be stopped.
  10. SPECIAL NOTE: If parents/ immediate family/ caregivers enter the building with their club member skater (due to providing support/ transport etc) they may remain in the building, but their names must also be provided by the coach/ manager or designated adult on the google database.
  • SPECIAL NOTE FOR RAVENS SPORTY DATABASE  - Added today, parents may register as well as a “parent” - disregard the $1 fee, this will NOT be invoiced.
  • If any member of your branch does become unwell, you are to urgently advise (Krys) who will then consult with club committee and seek further advice as we will be required to notify authorities.
  • Link to Rink User Information here:
  • Link to Registration for club here

A copy of the public notice has already been uploaded to this website and Facebook, we will be reviewing the situation and re-evaluate procedures as necessary. Keep well and email if you have concerns; skatesport.taranaki@gmail.com

Willy, Krys, Steve, Tasha and Rachelle