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Skate New Zealand Bulletin

Posted February 03, 2018
General News Documents & Links

Skate New Zealand Bulletin

Skate New Zealand have sent the following information to affiliated clubs related to Drug Free Sport details and a survey for interested athletes in the age range.

NZ Drug Free Bulletin
This is related to the dangers of supplement use.

‘AUT and DFSNZ are capturing the thoughts of 13-18-year-old athletes throughout NZ on supplement use and doping in sport. The findings will be used to make sport better for everyone by developing a programme which prevents doping in sport for the next generation of NZ athletes. It is really important that we hear the thoughts of as many NZ athletes as possible - to make sure yours are included, follow this link to complete a short, electronic questionnaire on any device:  https://aut.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_esvT8IkbXMUUmq1